Chattanooga, TN.This seminar provides the most current developments in human error prevention-a significant contributor to improved productivity, safety and quality. The principles and practices of human error prevention are universally applicable regardless of the type of industrial, commercial or governmental enterprise, and regardless of the type of function performed within the enterprise.
Instructor BW (Ben) Marguglio's new taxonomy of human error causal factors and his human error-related models demonstrate his leadership in this subject. Examples and case studies amply reinforce the human error prevention principles and practices.
The seminar covers:
- classifications
- the four levels of human error
- the three levels of barriers to human error and to the hazards activated by human error
- the four types of barriers at each barrier level
- methods by which to make barriers effective
- error-inducing conditions
- behaviors to counteract error-inducing conditions
- thought processes and behaviors leading to non-conservative decisions
- thought processes and behaviors leading to conservative decisions
- techniques to prevent recurrence of error (e.g., coaching)
- metrics
- defense in depth